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What causes different colors in an egg yolk?

Some people have come across egg yolks that are pure white in color, in contrast to the usual bright yellow yolk. What causes the difference? It’s all in the type of grain that the chicken digests.

Where can I find pasteurized eggs?

Some recipes call for raw eggs, such as some sauces and dressings. This can be a risk for young children and the elderly or those with low immunity. While the Egg Council does not recommend using raw eggs in any type of cooking, if you must use them, use pasteurized. They may be difficult, but not impossible, to find at your supermarket. One company known as Davidson’s produces pasteurized eggs. Contact your local grocer for more information.

How long are my eggs good for?

You can usually determine the freshness of the eggs by checking the carton. On the short end of many cartons, you will find a 3 digit code. This number is the date, with 001 representing January 1 and 365 representing December 31. This is the day the eggs were packed, and they will keep, properly stored in your refrigerator, for at least 4 to 5 weeks past this date without significant quality loss.

You may find an expiration date or a statement declaring the periiod of maximum quality (“best before,” “use by”). Either informs the store not to sell the eggs after the marked date. An expiration date does not exceed 30 days, while the period of maximum quality will not exceed 45 days.

If my eggs are not floating, are they still edible?

Some people float eggs in water to see if they are unspoiled and safe to eat. This is not a sure indication of spoilage. The egg may or may not be safe to eat. An egg that sinks only means that the air cell within the shell has become smaller because it has leaked out through the porous shell over time. It is an indicator that the egg is older, and perhaps less fresh, but it may or may not be spoiled and inedible.“While air-cell size is considered in grading and eggs take in air as they age, the size of the air cell does not necessarily relate to freshness because size varies from the moment contraction occurs after laying. To judge freshness, use carton dates.” From the American Egg Board.

How long will my cooked eggs stay in the refrigerator?

According to the American Egg Board’s consumer website “,” hard boiled eggs stored in the refrigerator can be used for up to 4 or 5 days. For more egg safety tips, Click Here.


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8515 Douglas Avenue, Suite 9
Urbandale IA 50322

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