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Profitable Power of Eggs

Don’t forget the eggs! Research shows that eggs are one of the most profitable items in any grocery store. Gross margins in the egg category have steadily risen to its highest point in more than 20 years due to high turns, efficient use of case space, and a low-cost per serving.

Retailers can leverage egg sales and profit by promoting eggs frequently, generating impulse sales, promoting a variety of egg types and specialties, cross-promoting eggs with other complimentary items, and by creating and executing an effective annual promotion calendar.

Eggs can be found in 93% of all U.S. households. Today’s consumer chooses eggs for their versatility, nutritional benefits, and low-cost per serving. No other protein source can feed a family of four for less than $1.50, approximately $0.15 per serving!

Current trends reveal that consumers are cooking and eating at home more these days. As a result, customers are seeking ideas and information from their local grocery stores on delicious, nutritious, and affordable meals, which feature eggs as a major ingredient. The Iowa Egg Council has collection of recipes and photos available for retail use.

Eggs are rich in nutrients, containing 13 essential vitamins and minerals. A large egg contains more than six grams of the highest quality protein available. Egg protein serves as the standard by which all other protein sources are measured. The protein found in eggs provides long-lasting energy and has been shown to decrease hunger and assist in weight management. A large egg contains only 70 calories and 4.5 grams of fat, 7% of the daily value.

Egg costs typically follow a predictable seasonal pattern with higher costs November through Easter, and lower costs during late spring and summer months. Creating an annual promotion calendar can help retailers plan and promote eggs effectively throughout the year.

Consider these upcoming promotional opportunities: celebrate National Egg Month in May-highlight the versatility of eggs, breakfast for dad for Father’s Day in June, in addition to deviled egg and egg salad recipe handouts for summer gatherings.

Eggs serve as one of the most high impact promotional items in grocery stores. Retailers can leverage opportunities with eggs by increasing messaging to shoppers about the balanced diets and balanced budgets that eggs can provide to customers.

For more information on how to increase egg promotions and obtain egg recipe ideas and tips, please contact the Iowa Egg Council at 1-877-IOWAEGG or visit

Contact: Randy Olson, Executive Director, 515-727-4701 Ext. 13


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8515 Douglas Avenue, Suite 9
Urbandale IA 50322

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